Welcome to the Thirty-Two Degrees Written Blog!

Hello everybody!

It’s me, Lainee. I started a blog. Wow. I never thought I’d do that. But, something I’ve learned over this past year is that most of the time, God has us do things we never thought we’d do because that’s were the transformation happens.

I’ll start by saying that 2024 has been, no competition, the hardest year of my life. That being said, looking back at where I was a year ago, I’ve grown more than I realized I could, thought deeper than I ever imagined I would, and loved harder than I thought possible. My goal with this blog is to share, in some small part, some of the lessons God has taught me as He’s shaped and molded me into who I am today. Now, I’m not a perfect person. Ok, that’s an understatement. I’m a broken-hearted, lost, messy, awkward teenager who most of the time has no idea what she’s doing and but is still crazy enough to hope that it will all turn out for the best. I’m human, like you. Being human, I don’t have the perfect life or the perfect words or a perfect understanding of anything. But, my prayer is that God will consecrate my very imperfect efforts for His work and His good. So, here it goes. I’m tossing the coin in the air and trusting that whatever side it lands on will be just what God meant for it to be.

When I ask myself what the most important thing I could share with my friends and family and anyone else who reads this is, the thing that clearly stands out in my mind is to share what I’ve found especially in the past few months what have made living, that is, choosing to get up and try and love and enjoy life and all it’s crazy ups and downs and sideways and backwards and hide-in-bed-because-it’s-scary-outside moments, every single day. “Men are that they might have joy.” The scriptures tell us. It’s true. But there is also “an opposition in all things.” You can’t have the joy without the heartache.

I’m here to offer a few things. Some words, some music, some jokes and testimonies and prayers, that maybe God can take and use to touch the hearts and minds of His children who need it most. May God bless you on your journey my friend and may you feel the love He has always and will always have for you. With love,

— Lainee


Let’s just admit it. Life is messy.